Sunday, July 12, 2009


My computer got hacked last week and I've been reeling from that. So far I got rid of all the messed up files and viruses, but of course, that deleted all the major files that keep Windows running. However, my friend Keith is a technical genius and he suggested I use the Ultimate Boot CD or UBCD. It's a boot CD that runs off the disc drive so windows works, but it's just on a cd. It also contains a huge amount of recovery programs. Sadly, none of them can recover what the antivirus program did, but at least I can see my files. It's like a security blanket that I can just look at but can't touch. I know they are there, I just can't get to them. I would like to just wipe the drive clean and start again but it has all my backup data from the last two terms as well as all the info I have for my website. By the way, my website is up,

I was hunting for jobs, but lately I've stopped since my computer crapped out on me. I think I have my resume on backup along with some other things, but I just haven't been in the mood.

Luckily my Dad's computer works so I can still check for job related things and ways to fix my computer situation.